New client Adapted for the new Windows update from Microsoft Load substantially reduced when searching for updates Various modifications for Windows 10 Web application Settings options in the Windows update module enhanced Enterprise users can integrate their own Logos in … Continue reading

New: PowerShell Script Module Create and manage PowerShell Scripts in library Manual and automatic execution when system starts or per schedule Assign a script to several computers Evaluation of return values Create notifications Hardware Monitor with Flapping Status Sensors can … Continue reading

New Hardware module with monitoring Temperature of the Mainboard and CPU Temperature of the GPU (graphics cards) from AMD and nVidia Rotation speeds of the fan Options for settings in the Hardware module Set critical temepratures Set minimum and maximum … Continue reading

Program and network access stabilized, especially Client can now login again correctly after computer standby Optimized starting and closing of clients Update problems on clients resolved USB module for MTP devices optimized Better interpretation of status values from Windows Security … Continue reading

New: General availability of O&O DiskCleaner in O&O Syspectr Performance optimized Various minor bug fixes

Reporting of Windows Updates module has been improved Fixed: Restarts through Windows Updates module were not executed in rare situations Several minor bug fixes

New: Multi-Tenant capability to create and manage numerous customer accounts New: Display of sessions in the account New: Inactive modules displayed in the computer overview New: Filter for processes expanded New: Add computer direct from Dashboard Display of Windows 10 … Continue reading

New: Statistics on the Dashboard New: News and Changelog on the Dashboard New: Option to activate and deactivate areas on Dashboard PDF reports expanded to include computer information Increased performance Reduction in data traffic Several small bug fixes

New: Legend for O&O Defrag New: Direct link to modules by clicking on the status icon in events New: Direct link to Microsoft Knowledge Base articles in the Windows Update module New: Automatic removal of event entries in the Dashboard … Continue reading

Complete overhaul of the user interface New: Two-factor authentication with Authenticator mobile application New: You can now enter your own computer names (aliases) in settings Several bug fixes and optimizations Preparation for the next wave of new modules