Here you can find the most commonly asked questions regarding O&O Syspectr. Should you not find the answer to your particular question here, then please contact us. We are always happy to help!
How do I obtain G DATA licenses?
Simply register with O&O Syspectr and add your first computer(s).
In the display area of the computer, select the “G DATA Antivirus Business” module and purchase the required licenses from the O&O online shop (important: to obtain the optional G DATA endpoint protection solution in O&O Syspectr, an active O&O Syspectr subscription is required in Premium or Enterprise tiers required).
After activating your G DATA license(s), G DATA will be installed and you can then make the settings as you wish.
Can one purchase single licenses?
No, only packs available over O&O Syspectr.
What is the minimum order amount?
The first initial order must be for at least 10 licenses. After that smaller packs can be purchased.
If I opt to purchase G DATA licenses, must I order for each separate customer?
G DATA Antivirus Business is licensed per user. If you have two completely separate accounts, then you need two licenses. However, if you manage your customer account under your own Enterprise Edition instead, you only need one license.