Here you can find the most commonly asked questions regarding O&O Syspectr. Should you not find the answer to your particular question here, then please contact us. We are always happy to help!


Is data transmission from O&O Syspectr secure?

Yes. data transmission between the O&O-Syspectr Client and our servers is done using SSL encryption so that there’s no possibility of unauthorized access to any data. We also use additional methods to protect communication.

Where is data from O&O Syspectr saved?

All data from O&O Syspectr is saved in our Data Center. Our servers are located in Germany. As a German company, we are subject to German laws governing privacy and these are among the strictest in the world. Further information about data security can be found under Data Security and in our Privacy Policy.

What data does O&O Syspectr store?

O&O Syspectr saves system information in order to display the current status of a computer and provide a diagnosis for possible problems. It does not save any personal files, documents, or graphic data. When using the Remote Desktop, image data will be transferred to our server encrypted and saved only for the duration of transmission. There is never any permanent storage of image data.

As a German company, O&O Software has complete respect for the privacy of its users. We are subject to German laws governing privacy and these are among the strictest in the world. Please read more about this in our Privacy Policy as well as in our Terms and Conditions. We will be happy to help with any additional questions you may have!